Welcome to WB4JWM's website, a place where I share some of my knowledge and experiences with others regarding the 630 Meter Amateur Band.

QTH Eatonton, Georgia EM83ji

Name is Tom; first licensed in 1968 as WN4JWM, then 1969 as WB4JWM. I also hold General Radiotelephone 2nd Class operators licenses.

After retiring May 2015 from the communications industry, primarily Two Way radio and later 2 and 6 GHZ microwave transport systems, I am back active on LF, MF, HF, 6 and 2 meters.

My station is a Kenwood TS-990S, 160 meter OCF dipole on HF. On 6 Meters a Beko HLV-1950 amplifier and JK-65, 5 element beam.

Icom IC-9700 on 2 Meters with a homebrew 500 watt MOSFET amplifier, and a M2-12 12 element beam at 50'. 1296, 60 watt amp with a 49 element beam at 50'.

Now active on 630/2200 meters using the TS-990 1mw out on the DRV port, into a 200 watt homebrew FET amplifier. Antenna is a 40' vertical 300' T, and 8-200' radials. I have 42 States worked, and 3 DXCC on 630M, 5 states worked on 2200M.

If you are interested in 630 Meters be sure to apply for authorization through the UTC for your station location. See link at the bottom of this page. Once you apply there is a 30-day waiting period. If you don't receive a denial within the 30-day waiting period, your location is clear for operation.


The use of the information and data contained on this website is at your own risk. If you rely on the information on this website you are responsible for ensuring by independent verification its accuracy, currency or completeness. The author accepts no liability for any interference with or damage to a user's equipment. I'm happy to answer any questions you may have about projects listed on this Website.

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Email tsmills@wb4jwm.com or use my QRZ E-mail address 73!